LONDON–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#insurance–The potential withdrawal of Niger, Mali and Burkina Faso from the Economic Community of West African States is the latest sign of political turmoil in the region but should have relatively little impact on those countries’ insurance markets for now, according to AM Best analysts studying the region’s trends.
The Best’s Commentary, “Impact on (Re)Insurance Markets Likely Limited Amid Heightened Political Tension in West Africa,” notes that while insurance penetration in the three countries remains low, there is solid demand for reinsurance for larger commercial risks, including retrocession into international markets, and that commercial relationships between domestic insurers and regional reinsurers are likely to persist.
However, departure from the Conférence Interafricaine des Marchés d’Assurances (CIMA) community could have regulatory implications for those countries’ (re)insurers, and AM Best analysts will continue to monitor developments.
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